Your Passion(s)

This part of our lives is arguably the most important

The modern world puts us into ‘survival mode’ a lot of the time.  For many of us, this allows just a small amount of time that we can spend on our passions each week.

It is one of the most valuable lessons we were never taught.  Namely, to follow your passions!  Put simply, passion is life!!

If you ever feel your life is going nowhere, or seems to have little meaning, you are probably not spending enough time following your passions.

For many of us, where we were brought up in an environment where our passions were not encouraged, it can be even more challenging.  This has led to a life that doesn’t seem to have direction, and in the worst cases can feel like life is not worth living.


Luckily the solution is simple…Find your passions!!

Yeah!  Right!!  If you are like me, that would be your response to the comment above.  I have spent many years trying to find what inspires me, and for years I have felt….

Nothing does!

The most important thing is to try new things, and then more new things, until we start to find things that feel ‘right’.

That said, in itself, I have found the comment above to be of little use.


There is one more clue, that took me years to find, and the longer I have held the belief, the stronger it has grown…

The belief is simply that there are only three things in the world that can truly inspire our passions, in no particular order:



The Planet

This may seem very simple, but at the same time impractical, particularly if you are at a low point in your life, and you don’t really feel like doing anything.  The thing to remember is that there will always be ‘people’ in our lives.

Your passion can be found from starting very small…

Just try to get a smile from the person at the check out in the supermarket, or a laugh from the person at the other end of the phone when talking to someone in a call centre.

Even imagining it is a step in the right direction.  After a while you are likely to want to try it for real.

From there, a chance conversation or comment can lead you toward something that interests you.  Being open-minded is the important thing, and if something brings a smile, a laugh or simply seems interesting, it may be because it is something that you have hidden your passion from.


Dead ends are a good thing.  First they confirm you are on the journey, and second, they eliminate an option, meaning you must be getting one step closer to finding your passion!

With this in mind, and knowing how difficult it can be to truly identify with a passion without dismissing it, I am creating a website:

“The Passion Wagon” – The vehicle for your passions!!

Take a look if you would like more passion in your life, and would like to learn ways of earning money from your passions!!



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