The Internet provides you with Infinite Possibilities
These possibilities include finding friends, old and new, learning more about any interest you may have, or learning how to, and becoming rich!
For the past few decades many of us have lived in a very materialistic world
The latest TV, the newest car, or the biggest house have all been the dreams we have followed. The advertisers have led us to believe that if we have the latest ‘thing’ we will feel great and everyone will love us
Levels of happiness in the modern word are now recognised as being lower than they were 50 years ago
Times are changing
The following figures are not based on any accurate measurement, just a general observation.
10 years ago, 90% of advertising was run by big advertising agencies with big budgets on conventional media: TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. 10% was on the internet
In 10 years time 10% will be on conventional media and 90% of advertising will be on the internet, much of it run by individuals or smaller organisations who want to promote their view of the world – Either a product they believe in, or a system of knowledge that they believe you should buy into
We are all learning that ‘things’ do not make us happy. The desire is now changing towards knowledge, both learning ‘where am I going wrong’, and sharing ‘this makes me happier, I believe it will help you too’
People are hungry to learn and keen to share the new knowledge they learn. If you have an interest in anything, others will have too!! The internet provides the perfect environment for sharing and building networks of like-minded people
This leads to many opportunities
There are three main types of business online
Affiliate Marketing
You set up a sales page to help sell someone else’s product
Multi Level Marketing (MLM)
You buy the rights to resell the product. Depending on the actual product you may or may not be required to buy the product yourself
You create your own product or products
This is the most difficult of the three, unless you already have your own business
If you are completely starting from scratch, you are probably better off learning about the first two first. You can use these, especially the MLM system to learn how others succeed or fail
There are three main processes to selling the above products online
Get your product online, by creating some sort of sales page – be it a physical product or a knowledge product, or someone else’s product!
Get people to be aware you are selling your product
Get people to buy your product
If you can follow the concept that even the highest mountain is climbed one step at a time, then you can easily do the above!
Most internet businesses fail!
Many surveys conclude that around 97-98 percent of people who start-up online fail
This is not due to the difficulties involved. If one person can learn, then so can another, and so can you!!
People fail because our society has led people to give away responsibility for themselves. We also expect instant gratification, or success
When confronted with a challenge that is not achieved instantly, we look for someone or something to blame
You can succeed – It is up to YOU!!
Take responsibility. Accept that every ‘failure’ simply brings you one step closer to success; Then keep going…
You can climb that mountain as long as you believe you can!!
The biggest challenge
Information overload!!!!
As you investigate further, you will learn that you have a lot to learn!!
One step at a time!
And start building a support network of like-minded people, who can can help motivate you when you are feeling low, and can also help by pointing you in the right direction when you don’t know which way to turn!
Are you ready to become Rich?
Well, you have a lot of work ahead of you, but the more time and effort you put in, the easier it gets, and the more money you could earn!
Something to be getting on with
If you are interested in one of the best online opportunities at this time, that can start you toward making money online, have a look at KB Gold. This will show you how easy it can be
That is, easy if you learn how to take one step at a time!!
KB Gold is a great online product because even if you don’t do enough to earn money from it, it costs you nothing to join, and provides you with an innovative insurance policy for the modern world. It also starts to provide you with an insight to the online world, and provides you with an opportunity to network with other similar minded people
Let the games begin!!