‘Rich’ vs ‘Poor’

How do your earn your income?

The way the ‘poor’ do?

The ‘poor’ simply exchange time for money.  Most conventional forms of ’employment’ have been arranged this way!

Or, the way the ‘rich’ do?

They ‘rich’ get their money, and their investments to provide and income for them

You DON’T need money to get rich!

The system is rigged so the rich get richer.  You may already ‘know’ this, even if you don’t understand how the game is played

As you learn more you will see why this is true, and how you can join the ranks of the rich

If you have no money to start with, you can still get rich if you know the rules of the game

Currently some of the best ways of joining the rich if you have no money to start with include becoming a footballer or a singer, or a ‘celebrity’

That said, unless you have a particular talent, or a huge dose of luck, these are likely to be non-starters!!

So what can you do?

Invest your time in learning how your best abilities can be leveraged to earn the greatest income

None of this is ‘get rich quick’.  You will have to work, but it can be quicker than you expect, if you are prepared to put in the work, particularly at the earlier stages

The Internet

For most of us, at this time the internet offers the greatest opportunities for becoming ‘rich’

To learn more, go to the section on The Internet

Do you have an issue with wealth?

Many of us simply believe we don’t deserve to be rich

You are no more, or no less deserving than everyone else!!

Many of us also grow up with an ugly perception of who the ‘rich’ are.  This is unhelpful, as it leads us to believe that money, and wealth is bad.  Money is a medium of exchange, a simple object – It can’t be good or bad!  That is down to the person who controls it

Are you a good person?

If you are, then you becoming rich will be a good thing!!

Recommended reading

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

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