Our beliefs are some of the most sacred parts of who we are
More wars in the history of man have been blamed on beliefs and religion than anything else
Many disagreements and even violence have grown up around differing views or beliefs
A belief may be very transient and very open to change for one person, and absolutely critical and non-negotiable to another. It often goes to the heart of our identity, of who we are
It should be remembered that ultimately it is also very personal, and can include religions such as ‘football’, a TV soap, or even beer!!
You have a right to your views.
Everyone has a right to their views.
If you and someone else disagree, (s)he is right and so are you!
Remember, the stated objective of most religions is ‘peace and brotherhood’. Even where the religion is beer!!
It is a very over used phrase, but live and let live….
How have you learned to come to terms with people, or an individual with a totally different belief or religion to you?